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I just want to express my life

Friday, January 30, 2009

Pagi Ini

hari ini aku berangkat ke kantor sekitar jam 8.30 pagi. agak terlambat memang. Kemarin sepanjang jalan masih sunyi, karena banyak warga tionghoa merayakan tahun barunya dan hari ini sepertinya semuanya sudah kembali normal.Apalagi cuaca tidak terlihat gelap lagi, nampaknya hujan tidak akan turun seperti kemarin.

Perlahan aku melewati banyak toko-toko mulai membuka pintunya, suasana merah masih sangat terasa dan semakin kontras dengan banyaknya bendera partai serta gambar-gambar dari calon anggota dewan yang nampak mulai tersusun rapi.aku harap mereka semua bisa menjalankan amanah rakyat jika nanti terpilih...
kini,aku melihat kota pontianak sudah hidup lagi, maklumlah yang jadi pedagang di Kota Pontianak kebanyakan adalah orang tionghoa.


this morning

this day I go to the office about 8:30 am. it was too late. Yesterday along the deserted streets, as many Chinese people celebrate the new year and today it seems everything is back normal.Apalagi weather does not look dark again, likely will not rain down like yesterday.

I slowly through many shops began to open the door, the atmosphere is very red and felt the contrast with the large number of party flags and pictures of candidates for board members appears to take shape .I hope they can all run the trust of the people if elected later .. .
I saw the city Pontianak is alive again, so that's known merchants in the city of Pontianak is most Chinese people.



Astronomically Betung Kerihun Natioal Park is located at E 0⁰40’- 1⁰35’ and N 112⁰15’-114⁰10’.Topography is mainly hilly and mountainous with altitude ranging from 200-1.960 m.Administratively located at 4 district;Putussibau,Kedamin,Embaloh Hilir and Wmbaloh Hulu,with cover total area of 800.000 Ha or approximately 5,5% of total area of West Kalimantan (14.807.700).It was determined by Ministry of Forestry no 467/Kpts-II/1995 on September 5 th, 1995.
The buffer zone lies on North of Kapuas River included the protected forest area of Tenobang Hill. This buffer zone includes into Kapuas Hulu watershed with 5 sub watershed. West by Embaloh, Central by Sibau, Menyakan, Mendalam and East by Kapuas Koheng.
Based on topography, Betung National Park buffer zone included into lowland Rain forest. The buffer zone  dominated by red shorea (shorea leprosula), which assosiated with kapur (dryobalanops becarii) and Keruing ( Dipterocarpus  coriacens)
upacaraupacara adat
dayak tribe Taman

You now, there are mammala, reptile. Birds (avivauna) and fresh water fish. The endangered spesies such as honey Bear, deer, Antelope, Kalimantan Monitor Lizard,ect.
The location of tourism potency are:

a.       West site bordered by Malaysia has an original culture attraction of Dayaks Iban and Tamanbalo community and we can find easily wild animals like orangutan, kelasi, kelempiau and hornbill.
b.      East site border by East Kalimantan, with spectacular Kapuas River scenery and some river rapids in Kapuas Bungan Watershed. Tgis Route is phenomenon route from a Ducth doctor (1894)
c.       The central site serves natural tourism activity with the ecologic nuance, the calm stream of sibau River and its high rapids.


Thursday, January 29, 2009


viharaCap Go Meh atau hari ke-15 sejak tahun baru Cina segera menjelang. Pada tahun 2009 ini Cap Go Meh jatuh pada tanggal 9 Februar 2009. Masyarakat keturunan tionghoapun sudah mulai menyambutnya. Di Kota Pontianak, rencananya akan diadakan arakan naga dengan jalur Jalan Agus salim-Jalan Gajah Mada-Jalan Pahlawan-Jalan Tanjung Pura dan kembali ke Jalan Agus Salim.
Semula arakan naga ini ditentang oleh beberapa kelompok element masyarakat, akan tetapi sepertinya akan tetap berlangsung karena Pemkot dan Kapolda Kalbar mendukung akan dilaksanakan.
Lumayanlah buat hiburan masyarakat, paling tidak bisa jadi tujuan wisata, ke kota Pontianak. Pada puncak acara Cap Go Meh nanti, seperti tahun-tahun kemarin akan banyak atraksi bisa di lihat,salah satu yang menarik adalah tatung-tatung (dukun) akan keluar menunjukkan kebolehannya.
barongsaitatungSekarang saja suasananya mulai terasa, dimana disetiap tempat yang ada moyoritas tionghoa ada Barongsai yang jalan-jalan, petasan dan kembang api berwarna warni dengan nilai mencapai jutaan rupiah bisa dihabiskan dalam 1 (satu) malam, Kalau dilihat pada malam hari sangat indah..hanya sayang beberapa hari ini hujan terus menguyur kota pontianak.

Saya pernah melihat ada tatung yang diusung dalam tandu beralaskan senjata tajam dan berhiaskan tombak. Namun, ia tidak merasa sakit sedikit pun, karena dalam keadaan dirasuki arwah seorang suhu. Ritual ini disebut  embersihan, yang meliputi doa dan pemercikan air daun suci untuk  pembuang sial, semoga saja ya...


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kapuas River

kapuasKapuas River is the river that connects between the district and the city in West Kalimantan and the Kapuas river is also a very long river in Indonesia. But now the condition of the river kebanggan West Kalimantan Province is very distressing condition. In addition to the more shallow tercemar waste has also been a high and mercuri.


Mandau is weapon of the tribe dayak

mandauMandau is the weapon of the tribe dayak. Mandau made from the iron plate to be incused shaped like flat-long chopper and spired that resembles the top half of the curve flat. One side of the mandau be sharpened edge, while the other left a little thick and dull. There are several types of materials that can be used to make the saber, namely: montallat iron, iron matikei, iron and steel taken from a car, saw blade machine, disk drive, and so forth. Perhaps, the most mandau good quality is made of stone mountains disbursed so special besinya very strong and sharp and asesorisnya given a touch of gold, silver, or bronze. This type of saber made only by certain people.

Preparation begins with the blade saber make ember in an iron stove to thaw. Wood used to make ember is ironwood. This type of wood chosen because it can generate heat higher than other types of wood. After a wood fire, the steel blade that will be put saber above to become soft. Then, be incused using a hammer. Forging be conducted repeatedly to get the form of the desired blade saber. After the chip form, the next step is to create a form of decoration and serration indentation on the saber and the holes on the blade saber. Perhaps, in the first period the number of holes on a saber represents the number of victims who had a saber tebas it. How to make a decoration with the same way to Mandau, the burning and formed with a hammer repeatedly to get the desired shape. After that, then mashed with the mandau grinder.


traditional ethnic clothes dayak

baju dayakAt the beginning, Park Dayak people start to know something called the king baba (king = loincloth; baba = men) for men, clan king bibinge for women (women = bibinge). Clothing is made from bark that is processed to be soft as cloth. Bark that can be enabled as the cloth to make a G-string, panties, clothes, blankets clan is called kapua or ampuro. However, cultural ethnic groups in the coming wave created akulturasi at least berimbas also on the development of community governance clothing Dayak Park. But the type of clothing king baba clan king bibinge now appear to have almost no longer used, except as an ornament made of equipment or clan, not less, for the collection of souvenirs.

Garden of the Dayak people also recognize weaving techniques to create clothing. Even up to now the Dayak people, known as the Garden of the skilled weavers. Previously, the fiber is woven yarn produced from the bark of trees tengang. Basic color fiber strong clan liat this chocolate is very young. To get the black or red hearts, the dominant color in the weave traditional Dayak Park, tengang fiber is dyed with the sap of trees in the water dilarutkan. Texture that is now circulating with the colors of yellow, pink, white, etc. clan, made from cotton obtained from outside the region. Are now very rarely found weaving made of fiber tengang custom clothing so that people using the park was weaving yarn cotton.



         Kapuas Hulu regency in a river that has a complete ecosystem of the lake Sentarum. Sentarum Lake is a very large lakes system situated to the west of Lanjak, capital of Batang Lupar District.
        Sentarum lake is 700 km from the city of Pontianak in the entrance plateau region Kapuas River Regional Flow Kapuas Hulu Regency, which is the lake and swamp the shallow terrace and low-terrace which is very knowledgeable.
danau This lakes can be used for water skiing and sailing because most of various fish spesies of commercial value. Therefore fishing and production of food items using fish as main ingredient can be made into interesting attractions and souvenirs for tourists.
          The system of freshwater lakes and forests make this stagnant Sentarum Lake is not like other lakes. Water has a black and reddish because it contains tannin that comes from forests in the surrounding turf. At the time of the rainy season, water depth of the lake can reach 6-8 meters and cause tergenangnya the surrounding forest.
         Sentarum lake that has been established as wetland National Park and its surrounding also produce natural honey.
However, not only this natural phenomenon which is the uniqueness of Lake Sentarum. Lake made at the time of the period of ice or pleistosen this property has a flora and fauna is extraordinary and not owned by other regions. plants that there are 510 species and 33 endemic species of them TNDS, including 10 species of them is a new species.

TNDS mammals in the animal have 141 species. Approximately 29 species of them endemic species, and 64 percent of animals endemic mammals of Borneo. There are 266 species of fish, about 78 percent of which is a freshwater fish endemic Borneo. Lake National Park area Sentarum noted as one of the fresh water fish habitat in the world it.


Friday, January 23, 2009

President Soekarno money image


Weird, but real, this is the proof. I have a banknote with the image the President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Soekarno and the next picture is 8 girls who are dancing. Money is issued 1964. Weird that I mean is.
1. If the money is placed in the hands, the money will slowly curve to the top.
2. Then if the curve is in place the money on the glass of water, the money will slowly back straight.
The money according to my friend will be sold at Rp. 650,000,000 .- (seven hundred fifty million rupiah). I think I was kidding, but he showed the face of such serious. "You do not believe so?. The money that my friend will be sold Rp. 650,000,000 .- (seven hundred fifty million rupiah). I think I was kidding, but he faces a serious show like that. "You do not believe so?. This money will never be purchased .- Rp.150.000.000, but I do not give, as the expensive price. "uang3
I think if there are people who are willing to pay the price of paper is expensive? There are interested? Contact me only ...



Uang bergambar Presiden Soekarno

uang 4Aneh tapi nyata, inilah buktinya. Teman saya memiliki uang kertas dengan gambar Presiden Republik Indonesia Ir. Soekarno dan gambar sebelahnya adalah 8 putri yang sedang menari. Uang tersebut terbit tahun 1964. Aneh yang saya maksudkan tersebut adalah.uang1
1. Jika uang tersebut diletakkan di telapak tangan, uang tersebut perlahan-lahan akan melengkung ke atas.uang
2. Kemudian jika lengkungan uang tersebut di letakkan di atas segelas air , uang tersebut perlahan-lahan akan lurus kembali.uang 4
Uang tersebut menurut teman saya tersebut akan dijualnya seharga Rp. 650.000.000.- (tujuh ratus lima puluh juta rupiah). Saya fikir teman saya tersebut bercanda, tapi dia menunjukkan wajah yang demikian serius. “ Kamu tidak percaya ya?. Uang ini pernah ditawar Rp.150.000.000 .-, tapi tidak saya berikan, karena harganya memang mahal”.
Saya berfikir apakah ada orang yang bersedia membayar uang kertas tersebut dengan harga mahal? Ada yang berminat?


Thursday, January 22, 2009

After Two Day

After Two Day
after read “ after two day”, I belive everyone can understand how to love and care with lover, family, friend  and the others. Right?. We can make a better palace in the word.


Bagaimana memaknai Persahabatan

Apa yang disampaikan oleh Khalil Kibran (1833   -1911   ) tentang makna sebuah persahabatan akan begitu terasa  mendalam :
“ dan seorang pemuda berkata, katakan kepadaku tentang arti persahabatan, kemudian seseorang menjawab : “Temanmu adalah jawaban kebutuhanmu., Dia adalah ladang yang kau semai dengan cinta dan dipanen dengan rasa syukur.
Dan dia adalah makananmu dan bangku perapianmu, karena kamu datang kepadanya dan kelaparanmu, dan k au mencarinya demi kedamaian”
Untuk itu kita  harus bersyukur jika bisa memiliki sahabat sejati, karena sahabat sejati adalah harta paling berharga, karena bersama sahabat kita bisa menjadi diri sendiri,tanpa harus berpura-pura agar terlihat baik. Sahabat adalah seseorang yang bisa menerima kita apa adanya. Sahabat mampu membuat kita bahagia dengan diri kita sendiri dan memberi motivasi hidup serta akan selalu menfampingi kita ketika semua orang menjauh, sahabat akan selalu ada di saat kita mengalami kesusahan.
Walau terkadang sebuah persahabatan tidak selalu mulus, suatu saat akan muncul rintangan yang menguji rasa persahabatan, muncul perbedaan pendapat, selisih paham.
Memang sebuah hubungan apapun namanya termasuk sebuah persahabatan, akan selalu mengalami ujian,  akan tetapi  jangan pernah menyerah atas segala ujian itu, mulailah bertanya pada diri kita sendiri, apakah sahabat itu memiliki manfaat untuk kita dan apakah kita juga memiliki manfaan bagi sahabat kita? Hal tersebut penting kita renungkan, karena pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk social, itu artinya satu dengan yang lain saling membutuhkan.
Untuk membangun suatu persahabatan yang baik, yang harus selalu kita perhatikan adalah selalu bersikap tulus tanpa pamrih, jujur, karena setiap hubungan yang dibangun dengan rasa pamrih dan kepalsuan akan menyakiti termasuk diri kita sendiri, jadi segala sesuatunya harus dilakukan dengan ikhlas tanpa disertai rasa terpaksa.
Hubungan [ersahabatan akan terasa semakin mendalam dan terasa lebih bermakna jika kita dan sahabat kita selalu meluangkan waktu untuk saling bertemu atau kalau jarak jauh harus ada waktu untuk menelpon, atau saling berkirim sms dan email, walau hanya sekedar menanyakan  hal-hal sepele, atau arti sononya keep contactlah.
Jika ternyata kita bisa saling berbagi, maka alangkah indahnya hidup kita, karena kita telah berhasil memaknai hidup kita dengan suatu yang berharga yaitu ‘Persahabatan”.


History of Sambas

MY FOTO History of the origin of the kingdom of Sambas can not be detached from the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. Between the two kingdoms have a very brotherly relationship erat.Pada antiquity, in the Affairs of Brunei Darussalam, the King is a title Royal Highness Sri Sultan Muhammad. After he died, the throne to the kingdom of children grandchildren are hereditary. So the descendants of the ninth AbdulDjalil the Sultan Akbar. He has a son named King Middle sultan. This is the king who came to the Kingdom of Tanjungpura (Sukadana). Because the behavior and natural lakunya in accordance with the surrounding circumstances, he even King Tanjungpura be willing to give their children named Surya queen. From this marriage was born Raden Solomon. At that time in Sambas a queen ruled the descendants of Majapahit (Hinduism) Sepudak called Queen of the central government in the Old City district Telok sacred skt 36 km from the City of Sambas. Majesty the Queen was Sepudak two daughters. That is integrated with the first-born nephew of Queen Sepudak called raden Prabu Kencana and be successor. When the reign of Queen Sepudak, came along with the king of the Middle fruit in Sambas. Then many people to become followers and embrace Islam. Not long, the Queen Sepudak died. husband's son Raden Prabu Kencana increased with the degree tahtadan reign of Queen Anom Kesuma Yuda. At the same time the second daughter of Queen Sepudak named Mas Ayu marries the youngest Raden Solomon (eldest son of King Center. Perkawinan this was a son named Raden Boma. In government Ratu Anom Kesuma Yuda, was appointed coadjutor-adjuvant Administration kingdom. Adiknya named Prince Mangkurat appointed Main as vizier. tasked the special treasury king, the king also represented. Raden Solomon was appointed to be a special second vizier in and outside the country and assisted ministers and other petinggi. People appreciate more than Solomon Prince Raden Mangkurat, to cause a sense of envy Prince of Mangkurat. when a right hand Raden Sulaiman called Kyai Satia Bakti killed pursuivant Prince Mangkurat. after reported to the king, in fact no positive action, the atmosphere clouded. Raden Sulaiaman take the leave policy of the central kingdom, the region and establish a new town with a City name up. pengikutnyapun amount increased. This has Petinggi invites Nagur, Bantilan and Segerunding proposes to negotiate with the Queen Anom Kesuma Yuda. The agreement leaves both old city. Raden of the city Bandir Solomon and the Queen Anom Kesuma Yuda leave for the river Selakau. Then slightly upstream and to establish the capital city government has Pinang City Hall.
Anom Kesuma death of Queen and Prince Mangkurat Yuda, son of Queen Anom named Raden Bekut was a king with a degree Panembahan City Hall. He beristrikan Mas Ayu Krontiko, daughter of Prince Mangkurat. Raden Mas Dungun raden Bekut is the son of the last Panembahan City Hall. The kingdom of ends as Raden Solomon envoys to meet their return to Sambas. More than 3 years and then stayed in the city of Bandir, on the agreement, and they moved up the central government in Lubuk Madung, at the intersection of three rivers: the river Sambas Small, Subah River and River Teberau. The city is also called the "Ulakan Estuary." Then the kingdom palace built and up to now still standing magnificent.
This is in place raden Sultan Sulaiman dinobatkan be first in the kingdom of Sambas with the title Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin I. His brothers, held prince Raden Badaruddin Treasurer Sri Maharaja and Raden Abdul Wahab in title Prince Tumenggung Jaya Kesuma. Raden Bima (children Raden Solomon) and Sukadana to marry with the king's daughter Princess Tanjungpura named Indra Kesuma (youngest brother of Sultan Zainuddin) and was a son of Raden Meliau namely, the name fetched from the river in Sukadana. A year later before merka farewell to Sultan Zaiuddin to return to Sambas, by Raden dititahkan Solomon Affairs to leave for Brunei to meet the families. Upon return from Brunei, Raden Bima dinobatkan become the title of Sultan Muhammad Sultan Tadjuddin. At the same time, the son of Akhmad Raden Raden Abdu Wahab constituted a Prince Treasurer Sri Maharaja. Sultan Muhammad Tadjuddin his death, the government resumed Puteranya Raden Meliau with the title of Sultan Umar Akamuddin I.
Thanks to the assistance permaisurinya called Utin Kemala title Ratu Adil, the government run smoothly and fairly. That is why in history as the famous Sambas Tuan Guru Adil, Utin Kemala is a daughter of a prince Dipa (a noble kingdom Landak) with Raden Ratna Dewi (daughter of Muhammad Sultan Syafeiuddin I).
Sultan Umar Akamuddin his death I, Puteranya ascend the throne Raden youngest title with Sultan Abubakar Kamaluddin. Then replaced by Abubakar Tadjuddin I. Raden also changed with the bowl with a famous name Prince Anom. After he ascended the throne title Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin I. As representatives diangkatlah Sultan Kamaluddin and Sultan Usman Umar Akamuddin III. Prince Anom noted as a very powerful figure, penumpas marauder pirate. After ruling for about 13 years (1828), Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin I died. Raden Puteranya Isaac (Prince Consort Nata Kesuma) new age of 6 years. Because the wheels of government to diwakilikan Sultan Usman Kamaluddin.
Date 11 July 1831, Sultan Usman Kamaluddin died, the kingdom of the throne to be the Sultan Umar Akamuddin III. Date 5 December 1845 the Sultan Umar Akamuddin III died, the Crown Raden diangkatlah son Isaac with the title of Sultan Abu Bakar Tadjuddin II. On 17 January 1848 his eldest son named Syafeiuddin set as the son of Crown Prince Adipati degree. Year 1855 Sultan Abubakar Tadjuddin II exiled to Java by the Dutch government (Back to Sambas year 1879). But as the representative ditunjuklah Raden Stores' (Prince Consort Mangkunegara) with the title Sultan Kamaluddin Umar. In the year is also on the Netherlands, Prince Adipati diberangkatkan to Java to study.
Year 1861 Prince Adipati return to Sambas and appointed Sultan Muda. New on 16 August 1866 he was promoted to the title sultan Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin II. He had two wives. From the first wife (Ratu Anom Kesumaningrat) was a son named Raden Ahmad and appointed as Crown prince. From the second wife (Encik Nana) was also a son named Muhammad Aryadiningrat. Before manjabat as king, Crown Raden Ahmad son preceded his father died. As the successor ditunjuklah son Muhammad Ibrahim Mulia. At the time of Raden Ahmad died, Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin II has been in power for 56 years. She is elderly, and Raden Muhammad Aryadiningrat appointed as a deputy with the title of king Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin II.
After ruling for about 4 years old, he died. The wheels of government to the Mulia Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim. And the king of this government, the nation came to Japan Sambas. Mulia Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim is one of the victims of violence into Japan. Since that time also ends power Sambas Kingdom. While the remainder of the Kingdom of Sambas, among others, the king bed, decorative glass, a set of tools to eat betel, clothing majesty the king, an umbrella jellyfish, canggah spear, gun catfish, 2 fruit crock of China's ceramic and glass crystals from the Netherlands.




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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


arwanaKapuas Hulu has potential fishery resources with ecotypes waters that have fresh water fishes resources like swamp, lake and rivers, lake waters has width of 12.885 ha mostly located in Embaloh Hilir (5,509 ha) and Selimbau (3,102 ha) sub district.
Forty two spesies of carp and 33 species ofe catdish were foundd there besudes the fish for daily consume there are also some of ornamental fish with high selling price like Arwana (Schelerophages formosus), ulang Alik (hotia mascranta), betutu (oxsyyeleoptris marmota)etc.arwana1



1. Location and Covered Area
MY FOTOa. Location
Kapuas Hulu regency is one of the nine municipal territories in West Kalimantan Province. Kapuas Hulu is the farthest regency from Pontianak and located at far East 657 Km distance by bus or 842 Km by boat through kapuas river.
Borderer with :
- North by east Malaysia
- South by central Kalimantan and Sintang Regency.
- West by Sintang Regency
- East by East Kalimantan dan central Kalimantan.
b. Covered Area
Kapuas Hulu cover an area of 29,842 Km₂ or 20,33 % from total area of west Kalimantan while 1,528 ha or 51,21 % from the area is protected area which are :
- Betung Kerihun National Park 800.000 Ha
- Danau Sentarum National Park 125.000 Ha
- Protection Forest 526.022 Ha
- Watershed catchments area 67.146 Ha
- Peat and Swamp Forest 10.082 HA
The cultivation area is only covered 1.455.850 ha or 48,79 % that used for farming, plantation, settlement and shifting farming.
2. Climate and Rainfall
Acording to Koppen system, the climate in Kapuas Hulu is included into “Afaw”. Which is an isothermal rain tropic climate with hot dry season.
3. Population and Culture Potency
The population in Kapuas Hulu is 183,299 people with population density average is 6 people pe Km₂. The population consist of some sub ethnic from dayaks, Malay, Chinese and outsider ethnics.
Some of the outstanding potential cultures in Kapuas Hulu are:
a. Long Houses from dayaks spread in some sub district Ulu Palin Ling House in Ulu Palin River is the oldest and the longest in west Kalimantan.

b. Dayak Woven cloth

c. Plaits from rattan and beds

baju dayak

d. Traditional culture from each Dayaks and Malay sub ethnic


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Tadi Pagi.........

Pagi tadi sekitar pukul 09.00 wiba aku berangkat ke kantor, kesiangan memang, tapi sebelumnya aku sudah ijin via telpon.

Pagi tadi ketika aku melewati jalan merdeka sebelum rumah sakit Antonius, air dari parit meluap ke jalan raya, perlahan…, jadwal rutin kataku dalam hati.

Pagi tadi aku pelankan kendaraanku ketika ada seorang ibu-ibu berjalan di pinggir jalan, ujung celana panjang yang dipakainya sudah basah akibat banjir, tapi dengan santai sang ibu terus melangkah.

Pagi tadi di tempat yang sama seorang bapak turun dari motornya, pasti mesin motornya kemasukan air pikirku, kasihan…

Pagi tadi ketika berbelok ke halaman kantor, air sudah memenuhi halaman. Kugulung celana panjangku sampai lutut, aku lepaskan sepatuku untuk ku jinjing dan dingin sangat terasa ketika kakiku menyentuh air.

Pagi tadi aku berfikir, akankah pagi-pagiku akan seterusnya seperti itu?. Banjir…..


Saturday, January 10, 2009


alangkah senangnya seandainya blog saya dapat dilihat semua orang sperti blog anda ini, tapi saya harus optimiskan? dan terima kasih atas tulisan anda,


Tenun Tradisional Suku Dayak

Kepandaian menenun kain dengan tehnik ikat lungsi seperti yang terdapat pada masyarakat suku iban di Kapuas Hulu dan suku desa di Kabupaten Sintang, diperkirakan telah dikenal sejak jaman prasejarah
            Pengetahuan bertenun ini kemungkinan berasal dari para imigran pengembara yang dating ke Indonesia dari daratan Asia Tenggara pada masa tersebut, yaitu berupa penggunaan alat tenun yang memakai kayu dipinggang dengan ragam hias kebudayaan Dong Son yang berbentuk geometris, pohon hayat dan manusia, seperti pola hias yang terdapat pada nekara-nekara jaman perunggu.
            Selain ragam hias Don son tersebut, terlihat pula adanya penerapan pola hias asimetris berbentuk binatang dan manusia.
            Dari setiap kain tenun yang dihasilkan oleh orang dayak ini, nilai estetis yang tampil tetap disertai dengan nilai simbolik yang berhubungan dengan adapt dan mithologi, baik dalam berbagai bentuk pola hias maupun tata warna yang memberikan gambaran tentang lingkungan kehidupan mereka dan konsep kepercayaan yang mempedomani struktur relegiusnya.
            Dalam perilaku social masyarakatnya, kain tenun ikat ini tidak hanya sebagai pakaian semata ataupun penghias penampilan tetapi lebih berfungsi sebagai sesuatu yang melambangkan kelembagaan adat, makanya penggunaan kain tenun sebagai pakaian hanya khusus diperuntukkan sewaktu dilakukannya upacara-upacara adat atau upacara-upacara lainnya yang bersifat ritual religius.
            Dalam perkembangan selanjunta yang berkaitan pula dengan berkembangnya perikehidupan masyarakat Suku Dayak saat sekarang ini, dimana kesibukan dalam menyerap sector pengetahuan formal dan kesibukan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan ekonomis yang semakin meningkat dan terbatas, menyebabkan pula kebiasaan menenun kain ini cenderung semakin ditinggalkan, yang berarti pula semakin langkanya ditemui penenun-penenun tradisional seperti masa lalu.


De lengte van het huis

            De lengte van het huis of de naam Betang House is ook waar etnische gemeenschappen leven in de gemeenschap banden Dajak een familie clan.  De lengte van het verblijf thuis deze gemeenschap in overeenstemming met het aantal gezinnen (Soma), wat ook betekent dat hoe meer het aantal gezinnen wordt te lang gebouw, die is gemarkeerd met een aantal deuren (deur).
           Elk een gezin bestaande uit een vader, moeder en kinderen die niet huwen zullen bezetten een ruimte in de kamer (kebilik), die is ook uitgerust met een keuken voor het koken.
          Als er sprake is van enige familieleden die trouwen en een nieuw gezin, zij maken op het andere dat de aansluiting van de kant van de kamer, enzovoort, zo lang dat er een huis-formaat met 400 tot 300 meter van bewoond door 60 tot 70 gezinnen.
         Beklimming van de trap naar de trap die een enkele, maar er zijn ook het bouwen van huizen die een lange 2 of 3 van het fruit .Op de avond van de steiger zal worden verhoogd tot de top, om te voorkomen dat de vijandelijke aanval of van wilde dieren.
         Op de top van de trap is gewoonlijk de vorm Carved menselijk hoofd, draak kop, of een ander soort dier dat wordt beschouwd als de heilige volgens hun overtuigingen, houtsnijwerk op de kop van dit als de geest van de voorouders die zullen beschermen tegen alle vormen van gevaren.
        Op het moment nu dat dit huis nog steeds intact is en nog lang bewoond slechts enkele stuks, zijn de resterende zijn zoals vermeld in de Village Aandelen Pahauman Kabupaten Pontianak, in het dorp Kopar Sanggau District en Village Melapi in Kapuas Hulu Regentenraad.


The length of the house

The length of the house or called Betang House is also home where ethnic communities live in the dayak community ties one family clan. The length of stay home this community in accordance with the number of families (soma), which also means that the more the number of families will be too long building, which is marked with a number of doors (door).
Each one family consisting of a father, mother and children who do not marry will occupy a space in the room (kebilik), which is also equipped with a kitchen for cooking
If there is any family members who marry and form a new family, they make room on the other that connect the end of the room and so forth, so long that there is a house-sized with 400 to 300 meters of inhabited by 60 to 70 families.
Ascend the stairs to go down the stairs forming a single, but there are also building houses that have a long 2 or 3 of the fruit.. On the night of the scaffold will be raised to the top, to avoid from enemy attack or wild animals.
At the top of the stairs is usually shaped carved human head, dragon head, or other type of animal that is considered sacred according to their beliefs, carvings on the head of this as the spirit of the ancestors who will protect them from all sorts of dangers.
At the time now that this house is still intact long standing and still inhabited only a few pieces only, the remaining are listed as in the Village Stocks Pahauman Kabupaten Pontianak, in the village of Kopar Sanggau District and Village Melapi in Kapuas Hulu regency.


Rumah Panjang

Rumah Panjang atau disebut juga Rumah Betang adalah rumah tempat tinggal masyarakat suku dayak dalam ikatan komunitas satu suku kekeluargaan. Panjang rumah tinggal komunitas ini sesuai dengan banyaknya jumlah keluarga (soma) yang mendiaminya, yang berarti pula semakin banyak jumlah keluarganya akan semakin panjang pula bangunannya, yang ditandai dengan banyaknya jumlah pintu (lawang).
Setiap satu keluarga yang terdiri dari seorang bapak, ibu dan anak-anaknya yang belum kawin akan menempati satu ruang dalam bilik(kebilik) yang dilengkapi juga dengan dapur untuk memasak
Apabila ada anggota keluarga yang kawin dan membentuk keluarga baru, mereka lalu membuat bilik lain yang menyambung pada bilik yang paling ujung dan demikian seterusnya, sehingga ada rumah panjang yang berukuran 300 sampai dengan 400 meter yang didiami oleh 60 sampai dengan 70 keluarga.
Tangga untuk turun naik para penghuninya berbentuk tangga tunggal, tetapi ada juga bangunan rumah panjang yang mempunyai 2 atau 3 buah tangga. Pada malam hari tangga-tangga ini akan dinaikkan ke atas, untuk menghindarkan penghuninya dari serangan musuh atau binatang buas.
Pada bagian atas kepala tangga biasanya diukir berbentuk kepala manusia, kepala naga atau jenis hewan lainnya yang dianggap keramat menurut kepercayaan mereka, ukiran pada kepala tangga ini dimaknai sebagai roh nenek moyang yang akan melindungi mereka dari segala mara bahaya.
Pada saat sekaran ini rumah panjang yang masih utuh berdiri dan masih didiami hanya tinggal beberapa buah saja, yang tersisa diantaranya adalah seperti yang terdapat di Desa Saham Pahauman Kabupaten Pontianak, di desa Kopar Kabupaten Sanggau dan di Desa Melapi Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cautious welcome for peace plan from both Israelis and Hamas

Ian Black, Middle East editor Israel and Hamas yesterday both "welcomed" - but neither accepted - an Egyptian-French plan to end the fighting in the Gaza Strip.

For the first time the US urged Israel to say yes to the ceasefire call, with Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, pressing the Israeli foreign minister, Tzipi Livni, by telephone as the UN security council debated action to end the 12-day crisis.

A strongly worded UN statement, brokered by Britain, France and the US, was expected to be agreed last night after the council failed to make enough progress to agree a resolution. David Miliband, the foreign secretary, said in New York that he had seen "the first glimmerings of the possibility of a ceasefire", adding: "It's far too early to say we can get a breakthrough."

Still, closer US attention seemed to boost the chances of progress. "Our goal must be the stabilisation and normalisation of life in Gaza," said Rice. But any ceasefire "has to be a solution that does not allow the rearmament of Hamas".

Barack Obama, the president-elect, broke his silence on the Gaza fighting to pledge that he would "engage immediately" with the Middle East when he takes office on 20 January.

Cautious optimism about the prospects for a peace deal was dented earlier when Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, was forced to retract an earlier claim that Israel and the Palestinians were both ready to sign up to the initiative. Israeli officials said Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, was seeking an initial 48-hour ceasefire, during which the finishing touches would be put to the plan. Israel said it accepted the "principles" of the plan but opposed a preliminary truce and wanted all the details of an agreement completed first.

Khaled Meshaal, the Islamist movement's Damascus-based political leader, told a Russian envoy that Hamas rejected "capitulatory" conditions. Ahmed Yusuf, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, said in an article for the Guardian's Comment is Free website: "Hamas welcomes the Egyptian-French initiative. We recognise that it contains many positive elements but also elements that need more careful consideration." Osama Hamdan, its representative in Lebanon, said the movement would not accept any initiative that did not include the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza and the opening of all border crossings. "Any proposal that does not include these points is unacceptable and no one should bother by presenting such proposals," he told al-Jazeera TV.

For the moment the only Israeli concession has been to allow the delivery of aid for Palestinians - beginning yesterday with a three-hour halt to bombing. Fighting resumed soon afterwards.

Agreeing humanitarian access and a truce is the first stage. But the second and far more complex element of any deal will be agreement to police Gaza's southern border to prevent Hamas smuggling in weapons once the fighting is over. The Egyptian-French text makes no reference to this issue. But a senior Israeli defence ministry official is to attend security talks in Cairo today.

Diplomats following the negotiating process warned last night that the first part cannot work without the second for any length of time because a truce and humanitarian access do not address any of the fundamental concerns that led Israel to launch its Operation Cast Lead offensive on 27 December. Israel insists the key to ending the crisis is permanent measures to monitor and destroy tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border.

Elements of the Egyptian-French plan, and continuing discussions at the UN in New York, include an international presence on the Egyptian side of the border, the so-called "Philadelphi corridor". This "specialised force" may comprise US combat engineers (which Israel would favour) as well as Turkish troops (popular with Arab and Muslim opinion). The EU has also pledged technical and perhaps financial assistance.

Various sources have reported that there would also be a naval presence to patrol the Gaza shoreline, perhaps commanded by the French. A small naval force was part of the arrangements for a ceasefire in Lebanon at the end of the 2006 conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

Western officials say any border security arrangement would require US technical aid to Egypt as well as changes to the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty of 1979 to change military dispositions in Sinai. All of this will require substantial negotiations.

Crucially, missing from the plan so far is an agreed mechanism for Israel to lift the Gaza blockade, Hamas's principal demand, though it does mention reopening border crossings. Diplomats said there was hard bargaining over whether the UN presidential statement should use the phrase "full and permanent" with respect to the crossings.

Underlining the difficulties ahead, Israel's security cabinet said it did not accept Mubarak's statement that Egypt would open a dialogue with Hamas and that all crossing points would be opened as part of a peace deal.

Deep divisions over the Gaza fighting were displayed at the UN, where Iranian delegate Ali Habib read a statement accusing Israel of "war crimes, aggression, occupation and state terrorism [and] some of the most heinous examples of crimes against humanity".

On Tuesday the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gabriela Shalev, called Iran a "coward's coward" that funds Hamas and uses it to fight a proxy war with Israel. The Iranian statement dismissed the Israeli accusations as "despicable".


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

سقوط TRAGEDI لفلسطين

. أي شخص يشعر استبعد ذلك نشهد مثل هذه الجرائم الوحشية من سلطات الدولة التي تعتبر نفسها فوق الآخرين.
. هذا العدد الكبير من الأطفال الذين توفوا بسبب سوء المعاملة من اسرائيل ، كم من الأمهات الذين فقدوا كل البكاء لأن ابنها.. السبب في هذه المأساة ينبغي أن يحدث ، مثل لماذا اسرائيل هي دائما متعطش للدماء مصاص دماء الفلسطينيين.
. هي ليست كافية للأراضي الرطبة قد الدم الفلسطيني من قبل ، سواء على الانتظار حتى كل الشعب الفلسطيني القتلى عمل جديدة لا إنسانية توقفت اسرائيل.

يا قادة العالم ، لماذا كل ذلك ، لماذا فقط عن قلقه لكنه لا يشارك في القدمين أقل بقليل من اسرائيل ، سواء كنت في الواقع نتفق مع ذبح اسرائيل؟ هل يجرؤ على أن تعمل إسرائيل على الفلسطينيين ، لماذا لا يتم فقط من مهاجمة اسرائيل من جميع أنحاء العالم حتى أدرك كيف يبدو حال دون توقف.

. حتى الآن ، كانت إسرائيل تقول إن بلادهم الحضاري والذي هو ، وأعتقد أن النبي عيسى كما ستشهد هذه المأساة التي هي أدلى بها الأشخاص الذين يدعون الناس.



Anyone who will feel left out so witness such barbaric crimes of the State authorities who consider themselves above other people.
So many children who died due to maltreatment of Israel, how many mothers who have lost all crying because her son. Why this tragedy should occur, such as why Israel is always thirsty vampire blood of the Palestinians.
Is it not enough land has been wet by Palestinian blood, whether to wait until all the Palestinian people dead new action does not humane Israel stopped.

O world leaders, why do you all still, why do you only voiced concern but does not participate slightly below the feet of Israel, whether you actually agree with the slaughter of Israel? Should you dare to act as Israel to the Palestinians, why do not you just attack Israel from all over the world so that he realized how it seems if without stopping.

So far, Israel has been saying that their country is civilized and who is, I think the Prophet Jesus will also see the tragedy which it is made by people who claim to people.



Menurutku siapapun orangnya akan begitu tersentuh rasa kemanusiaannya menyaksikan kejahatan yang demikian kejam dari Negara yang memandang dirinya penguasa atas orang lain.

Begitu banyak anak-anak yang mati akibat kekejaman Israel, berapa banyak ibu-ibu yang harus menangis karena kehilangan semua anaknya. Mengapa tragedy ini harus terjadi, mengapa Israel seperti vampire yang selalu haus darah orang-orang Palestina.

Apakah tidak cukup tanah Palestina telah basah oleh darah, apakah menunggu sampai seluruh rakyat Palestina mati baru tindakan tidak manusiawi Israel dihentikan.

Wahai para pemimpin dunia, mengapa kalian semua diam, mengapa kalian hanya bersuara turut prihatin tapi tidak berkutik di bawah kaki Israel, apakah kalian sebenarnya setuju dengan pembantaian yang dilakukan Israel? Seharusnya kalian berani bertindak seperti yang dilakukan Israel kepada Palestina,kenapa kalian tidak serang saja Israel dari seluruh penjuru dunia sehingga dia sadar bagaimana rasanya jika ditembaki tampa henti.

Selama ini Israel telah menyerukan bahwa mereka adalah Negara yang beradab dan beragama, menurut saya Nabi Isa Almasih juga akan menangis melihat tragedy yang dibuat oleh orang-orang yang mengaku umatnya.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Kingdom of Pontianak

Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Alkadrie is the founder and the first Sultan of the Kingdom of Pontianak. He was born in the year 1142 Hijriah / 1729 / 1730 M, son of Al Habib Husin, a disseminator of the teachings of Islam came Arabic.
Three months after his father died in 1184 in Hijriah Kingdom  Mempwah Syarif Abdurrahman, together with his brothers to discuss the new residence. They leave the boat with 14 Kakap the River  PinRiver pin. Dzuhur time they reached a promontory, Syarif Abdurrahman with followers live there. That place is now known as Coconut High Segedong.
However Syarif Abdurrahman divine that that place is not good place to live and he decided to continue the journey to mudik headwaters. Syarif Abdurrahman place and entourage zuhur Prayer is now known as the Tanjung Dhohor.
When the Kapuas River, they found an island, now known as Stone Researcher, where it is now in place and their descendants Syarif Abdurrahman dimakamkan On the island began to get their interference bogle Pontianak. Syarif Abdurrahman ago ordered all followers to fight so that the ghost-ghost. After that, the entourage back to continue the journey Kapuas River.
By the dawn 14 Rajab 1184 Hijriah or 23 Oktober 1771 they reached the river crossing and the Kapuas After eight days of trees cut down in the mainland, the Syarif Abdurrahman ago to build a house and hall, and then the place was named Pontianak. There are now standing jami mosque and  palace Kadariah
Finally, on 8 months Sya'ban Hijriah 1192, coinciding with the day Monday with the Young King attended by Riau, King Mempawah ,Landak, Kubu and Matan, Syarif Abdurrahman as Pontianak with the title Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Ibn Al Habib Alkadrie.
Pontianak kingdom under the leadership of the city developed as a trading port and a relatively patriarch.
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17 Cows

There is a father has three (3) children: Amir, Suri and Budi. The eldest child (Amir) and the second child (Suri) have him and have children, while the number three children (Budi) are still children.
Towards the death, the father to give the inheritance to the 17 cows to three children with the division as follows:
- The first-born child, because many children, get a half;
- The second child, is also due to get him third;
- The third child, because children still get
Terms of the father is given a cow that heritage should not be cut or sold to make the brothers are confused. After his father died, because they can not share them, they head to the village to ask what nito.
"How is the Village Head them?


Sensasi Hulu Sungai Kapuas

 post from Arsip Ptk.Post
Catatan Perjalanan : Bearing.
Sungai Kapuas,-  Tiga Negara yang berada di Pulau Kalimantan (Brunai, Malaysia dan Indonesia) bersepakat tetap menjaga kelestarian hutan guna menjaga kelangsungan kehidupan anak cucu, kesepakatan tersebut diberi nama Heart Of Borneo (HoB).

Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (TNDS) merupakan salah satu kawasan konservasi yang terdapat di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang terletak di hulu sungai kapuas (± 700 km dari muara Sungai Kapuas/Pontianak), segala sesuatu yang ada di dalamnya dimasukan dalam aset HoB.

SECARA geografis kawasan TNDS terletak di antara 00°45' - 01°02' LU dan 111°55' - 112°26' BT atau berjarak sekitar 100 km di sebelah Utara garis Equator. Secara administrasi kawasan ini masuk wilayah Kabupaten Dati II Kapuas Hulu dan termasuk dalam 7 (tujuh) kecamatan, yaitu Kecamatan Batang Lupar mencakup sisi sebelah Utara kawasan, Kecamatan Badau mencakup sisi sebelah Barat kawasan, Kecamatan Embau dan Kecamatan Bunut Hilir mencakup sisi sebelah Timur Kawasan, Kecamatan Suhaid, Selimbau, dan Semitau mencakup sisi sebelah Selatan kawasan.

Kawasan Danau Sentarum cukup kaya akan jenis tetumbuhan, dari hasil pengamatan yang dilakukan di hutan rawa tergenang, hutan rawa gambut, hutan pinggiran sungai (riparian), hutan kerangas dan hutan dataran rendah selama lebih kurang empat tahun diketahui bahwa jenis tumbuhan yang hidup dalam kawasan Danau Sentarum ini berjumlah 675 jenis (species) yang tergolong dalam 97 suku (familia), besar kemungkinan akan bertambah karena jenis tumbuhan bawah dan jenis pohon yang berada di hutan dataran rendah perbukitan masih sedikit yang terdata serta jenis angrek-angrekan dan jenis-jenis parasit belum terdata sama sekali.

Jenis tumbuhan yang terdapat di Danau Sentarum ini sangat spesifik dimana hampir sebagian besar jenis tumbuhannya mempunyai penampakan yang berbeda dengan tumbuhan yang berada di luar Danau Sentarum. Misalnya saja jenis Dichilanthe borneensis salah satu tumbuhan khas (endemik) dan langka yang ditemukan oleh Beccari, jenis ini merupakan Mising Link antara Rubiaceae dan Famili-familinya. Selain itu di sini juga ditemukan satu jenis dari Marga Vatica yaitu Vatica menungau (Menungau) yang merupakan species baru (new species) yang endemik atau hanya dapat ditemukan di kawasan Danau Sentarum ini.

Kekhasan tumbuhan yang terdapat di kawasan Danau Sentarum ini diperkirakan akan menjadi penambah perbendaharaan marga tumbuhan endemik kalimantan yang jumlah sebelumnya ada 59 marga, karena menurut Giesen. (1987), dari hasil pengumpulan specimen tumbuhan yang telah dilakukannya, banyak jenis yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi dengan menggunakan referensi Taxonomi terbaru dan kemungkinan merupakan ilmu baru.

Selain kekhasan dalam bentuk dan jenis, di kawasan ini juga ditemukan Eugeissona ambigua (Ransa) yang merupakan tumbuhan langka dan diperkirakan menjelang kepunahan serta beberapa jenis lainnya yang merupakan jenis dilindungi yaitu seperti Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) dan Jelutung (Dyera costulata). Yang paling mengagumkan pada jenis tumbuhan ini yaitu terdapatnya jenis tumbuhan yang sama dengan tumbuhan endemik yang ada di Amazon, oleh masyarakat setempat tumbuhan tersebut dikenal dengan sebutan pohon Pungguk (Crateva relegiosa).

Perbedaan yang kontras pada musim yang berbeda (pasang dan kering) adalah merupakan kondisi yang turut mempengaruhi kekayaan tumbuh-tumbuhan dan satwa di Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum. Khususnya keragaman jenis ikan air tawar yang tinggal, berkembang biak dan mencari makan di kawasan ini, mulai dari ukuran yang paling kecil sekitar 1 cm yaitu ikan Linut (Sundasalax cf. Microps) sampai yang paling besar seperti ikan Tapah (Wallago leeri) dapat mencapai ukuran lebih dari 200 cm; dari yang tidak bernilai ekonomi sampai pada ikan hias yang mempunyai nilai jutaan rupiah seperti ikan Siluk Merah (Scleropages formosus).


Sea Paradise You Down in Kalbar Part 1

Thank you for:
Travel Notes

-M Kusdharmadi M-Kusdharmadi

-Efprizan Rzeznik Rzeznik-Efprizan

sorry I translate

Randayan, - Exotic. That is the impression that envisaged from three islands in the River District Raya District Bengkayang Randayan islands, Pulau Lemukutan and Kabung Island has a remarkable charm.

FOR mereguk natural beauty of the island is not difficult.. Land and sea transportation has been available to go to heaven under the sea.

From Pontianak, which consist of a group of journalists who joined City in Pontianak Forum Journalists Langkau, Sakawana and Inhasa Diving Club, leaving the bus.

. Travel applied for 2.5 hours with a route-Pontianak Bay Suak Bengkayang.. Suak Bay is located approximately 115 kilometers from the City of Pontianak, or 32 kilometers from the city Singkawang.

. Suak Bay from the dock, followed by trips to use the water motor. Passenger transport is available at approximately 9:00 until 10:00 WIB.
For general passengers, usually worn around Rp7.500 tariff-Rp10.00 per person for up to Kabung Island. Or, you want to travel in large entourage, the water can rent a motor that is provided by the local community.

The sun is not so hot. Semilir angin laut, membuat mata seakan ingin terpejam. Breezy sea breeze, as if you want to make eye .From the mainland is an island that appears to stand challenging. "That island Playground," said one of the motor water.

Island Randayan entourage became the first goal. However, the motor stopped while the water on the island Lemukutan.. This is done to take food that has been requested before.

Approximately 15-minute rest in the dock Lemukutan Island, motor and water moving to the neighborhood, Randayan Island. So about 15 minutes in the small island is beautiful nan. Small islands will be known this beautiful panoramic rocks, different types of tropical fish and marine life surrounding areas.

Randayan islands have beaches and water color that is very clear, suitable for skin diving. There is a small villa-villa overlooking the sea. comment icons or comments Pictures, Images and Photos


origin of the word dayak

origin of the word dayak
Dayak word comes from the word power "which means that upstream, to the people who live in rural areas or generally perhuluan Kalimantan and West Kalimantan. There are various opinions about the origin of the Dayak, but this setakat not have a truly satisfactory. However, the general opinion that states that received the Dayak is one of the original group of the oldest and largest inhabited island of Kalimantan (Tjilik Riwut 1993: 231). Ideas about the natives is based on the theory of population migration to Kalimantan. Starting from the opinion held that it is the ancestor of Dayak people came from South China, as stated by Mikhail Coomans (1987: 3):

All tribes, including the power groups who migrated in large-scale land from Asia. Power is the tribe of the descendants of immigrants who come from the region that is now called Yunnan in South China. From the small group that roam through the Indo China to the Malaysian peninsula to enter the vault to become the islands in Indonesia, besides, there may be groups that choose another stepping stone, that is, through Hainan, Taiwan and the Philippines. Movement is not so difficult, because at the time of glazial (period es) above sea level is down (low tide), so that the small boats even if they can cross the waters that separate the islands.

OrangHowever, when people from Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula Land came to Malacca there terdesaklah ago the Dayak people back, grow old, grow to the remote island of Kalimantan land.

This theory of migration can be a problem at once: why Dayak tribes now have so many different nature, whether in the language and characteristics in their culture.

Nowadays Dayak tribe divided into six large clumps, the Kayan-Kenyah-Bahau, OT Danum, Iban, Murut, Punan and Klemantan. Sixth family is divided again to the approximately 405 sub tribes. Despite the hundreds of sub-divided tribes, ethnic groups have a similarity Dayak characteristics unique culture. Characteristics has become a key factor of a sub-tribe in Kalimantan to be included in the Dayak groups. The characteristics of the house is long, the cultural materials such as pottery, saber, chopsticks beliong (ax Dayak) views of nature, the search (system) and the art of dance.

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