History of Sambas

Anom Kesuma death of Queen and Prince Mangkurat Yuda, son of Queen Anom named Raden Bekut was a king with a degree Panembahan City Hall. He beristrikan Mas Ayu Krontiko, daughter of Prince Mangkurat. Raden Mas Dungun raden Bekut is the son of the last Panembahan City Hall. The kingdom of ends as Raden Solomon envoys to meet their return to Sambas. More than 3 years and then stayed in the city of Bandir, on the agreement, and they moved up the central government in Lubuk Madung, at the intersection of three rivers: the river Sambas Small, Subah River and River Teberau. The city is also called the "Ulakan Estuary." Then the kingdom palace built and up to now still standing magnificent.
This is in place raden Sultan Sulaiman dinobatkan be first in the kingdom of Sambas with the title Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin I. His brothers, held prince Raden Badaruddin Treasurer Sri Maharaja and Raden Abdul Wahab in title Prince Tumenggung Jaya Kesuma. Raden Bima (children Raden Solomon) and Sukadana to marry with the king's daughter Princess Tanjungpura named Indra Kesuma (youngest brother of Sultan Zainuddin) and was a son of Raden Meliau namely, the name fetched from the river in Sukadana. A year later before merka farewell to Sultan Zaiuddin to return to Sambas, by Raden dititahkan Solomon Affairs to leave for Brunei to meet the families. Upon return from Brunei, Raden Bima dinobatkan become the title of Sultan Muhammad Sultan Tadjuddin. At the same time, the son of Akhmad Raden Raden Abdu Wahab constituted a Prince Treasurer Sri Maharaja. Sultan Muhammad Tadjuddin his death, the government resumed Puteranya Raden Meliau with the title of Sultan Umar Akamuddin I.
Thanks to the assistance permaisurinya called Utin Kemala title Ratu Adil, the government run smoothly and fairly. That is why in history as the famous Sambas Tuan Guru Adil, Utin Kemala is a daughter of a prince Dipa (a noble kingdom Landak) with Raden Ratna Dewi (daughter of Muhammad Sultan Syafeiuddin I).
Sultan Umar Akamuddin his death I, Puteranya ascend the throne Raden youngest title with Sultan Abubakar Kamaluddin. Then replaced by Abubakar Tadjuddin I. Raden also changed with the bowl with a famous name Prince Anom. After he ascended the throne title Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin I. As representatives diangkatlah Sultan Kamaluddin and Sultan Usman Umar Akamuddin III. Prince Anom noted as a very powerful figure, penumpas marauder pirate. After ruling for about 13 years (1828), Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin I died. Raden Puteranya Isaac (Prince Consort Nata Kesuma) new age of 6 years. Because the wheels of government to diwakilikan Sultan Usman Kamaluddin.
Date 11 July 1831, Sultan Usman Kamaluddin died, the kingdom of the throne to be the Sultan Umar Akamuddin III. Date 5 December 1845 the Sultan Umar Akamuddin III died, the Crown Raden diangkatlah son Isaac with the title of Sultan Abu Bakar Tadjuddin II. On 17 January 1848 his eldest son named Syafeiuddin set as the son of Crown Prince Adipati degree. Year 1855 Sultan Abubakar Tadjuddin II exiled to Java by the Dutch government (Back to Sambas year 1879). But as the representative ditunjuklah Raden Stores' (Prince Consort Mangkunegara) with the title Sultan Kamaluddin Umar. In the year is also on the Netherlands, Prince Adipati diberangkatkan to Java to study.
Year 1861 Prince Adipati return to Sambas and appointed Sultan Muda. New on 16 August 1866 he was promoted to the title sultan Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin II. He had two wives. From the first wife (Ratu Anom Kesumaningrat) was a son named Raden Ahmad and appointed as Crown prince. From the second wife (Encik Nana) was also a son named Muhammad Aryadiningrat. Before manjabat as king, Crown Raden Ahmad son preceded his father died. As the successor ditunjuklah son Muhammad Ibrahim Mulia. At the time of Raden Ahmad died, Sultan Muhammad Syafeiuddin II has been in power for 56 years. She is elderly, and Raden Muhammad Aryadiningrat appointed as a deputy with the title of king Sultan Muhammad Ali Syafeiuddin II.
After ruling for about 4 years old, he died. The wheels of government to the Mulia Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim. And the king of this government, the nation came to Japan Sambas. Mulia Sultan Muhammad Ibrahim is one of the victims of violence into Japan. Since that time also ends power Sambas Kingdom. While the remainder of the Kingdom of Sambas, among others, the king bed, decorative glass, a set of tools to eat betel, clothing majesty the king, an umbrella jellyfish, canggah spear, gun catfish, 2 fruit crock of China's ceramic and glass crystals from the Netherlands.
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