Gina Site

I just want to express my life

Sunday, November 30, 2008

My City

I live in the Pontianak City, I love the city life. Every morning when i get up and open the window, i can hear the little birds sing outside.
today is a fine day. The rain has ceased the sun shines again.It shines in through the window.I look out....oh my god.....i see the flowers and the houses are red. Everything look beautiful my city....


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The yore story of a so called men of Bujang Bujit. Bujang Bujit own two very beautiful wife. First wife of so called Bujang Bujit of Uning Tijah, because its husk colour is white is brass, while wife of both so called of Ude Piah. Wife of both this own the black husk of beloved.
Bujang Bujit very proud secondly its wife people, just only at the opposite of its bliss owning two the beautiful wife people, Bujang Bujit do not obtain;get the clan from second of its wife people. So that oftentimes Bujang Lupit ponder at the same time ask to the their/his self, what causing he do not obtain;get the clan, though its age is non-stoped to increase.

From year ketahun, just remain to be of Bujang Bujit do not obtain;get the clan which is in hungering for the it, its age is old progressively, and marking penuaan have emerged its face, just only do not that way that happened secondly its wife’s.

They just remain to be beautiful looked to be. The mentioned of course generate the wonderment of Bujang Bujit, so that oftentimes arise to feel its his jealous if there is other;dissimilar men paying attention to second of its wife with the gaze marvel because beauty of both.
Bujang Bujit know correct of second habit of its wife people, inclusive of, if there is woman bearing, second of its wife that is Uning Tijah and ude Ipah always go out the house. Even both oftentimes come home the night. Though second of its wife is not a midwife. ( one who assist the copy).
At one particular day, when Bujang Bujit [is] sit [in] its house terrace;core at the same time enjoy the sun which hamper sink, second [of] its wife ask the permission will to village go downstream.
Bujang Bujit look into the second face of its wife people surprisedly, its liver start to feel to distrust, don't be second [of] its wife have played at to manipulate with the men of[is other;dissimilar. Bujang Bujit later;then go rear without replying its wife request. In secrecy without the knowledge its wife is Bujang Bujit climb for house garret for the mengitip of second behaviour its wife.
Sufficiently long Bujang Bujit reside in the its house garret, so second sunset of its him wife climb for garret, heart of Bujang of Bujit ticking very boisterous, he estimate second of its wife know its deed, he immediately look for the place to hide in order not to be seen by second of its wife.
Bujang Bujit pay attention to the second behaviour of its wife surprisedly, the seeing of both elaborating hair those who that long and black, later;then the hair girded at especial pillar wood of house becoming supporter of house roof. Later;Then Bujang Bujit hear the voice fizz is secretory the than second mouth of its wife followed the body movement which moving progressively second just ossify.Suddenly lead him wife is dismembered and later;then kite out garret. Second head of its wife flown with the eye which gogle, while its intestine likely is releasing brass light.
Bujang Bujit fetched up all standing unconvinced likely by what seeing of, he number have never if second in the reality very wife people loving of, and which during the time own the gentle behaviour and attitude in the reality is calendar spectre ( spectre become more and more with the head flown drinking woman blood bear the).

Bujang Bujit then follow second his wife, because day have before night, Bujang Bujit party to being lost hence he bring the rib broom, used as its sea route sign. In that transportation, Bujang Bujit feel brought by kea lam of other;dissimilar, where he feel to reside in a very beautiful country is its view, a lot of flower which grow over there. There is a lake of bath place encircled by flowerbed which is expanding. Bujang Bujit fascinated to see all beauty of the.
Suddenly he is in visiting upon by somebody squiring food, he can see second his wife is celebrating and enjoy the dish of before its. They eat hungrily. Bujang Bujit stand up in place which is not seen by second his wife. Bujang Bujit passed in to dine the dish which have been provided, however Bujang Bujit shy at to taste the the dish, although seen to be very delicious. He still think second his wife, don't both influenced the, devil or dickens or don't be second of its wife is spectre. fur of Scruff of Bujang Bujit stand up when considering the mentioned.
When night have started to come near the morning, where month;moon have will disappear from firmament, Bujang Bujit see second of its wife people is which only in the form of the head hurried flown. They do not wish in preceding by coming nya of morning sunshine. Bujang Bujit rush about to go and run all out go to its house and direct pretend the well-sleep sleep.
Morning after, because feeling big such penasaran, Bujang Bujit visit upon the place of last night which he mark with the rib broom brought. He is surpriseded unbelievably, because beautiful place seen mentioned night in the reality is water of moat of house lawn fulfilled by the blood of a new woman bear, while delicious dish seen yesterday is tembuni or ari-ari baby passing away at the time of born.
Bujang Bujit finally realize second in the reality his wife is spectre of people calendar bear. Properly think the Bujang Bujit, during the time a lot of woman bearing and babys born the pass away because they running out of of effect of blood its sipped by a calendar spectre.
After knowing all that Bujang Bujit pretend do not know it, he still confuse what will do of to second of his wife.
Second few days later;then his wife ask the permission again to visit there is woman to bear, this of Bujang Bujit permit. its wife people very like.
When midnight of Bujang Bujit climb for its house garret, and seeing second body of his wife adjacent sleep, with the feeling confuse in converting second her position its wife, then he return sleep.
Tomorrow, Bujang Bujit see second his wife, but happened a oddity, first his wife which have white body to in the reality later and then own the sweet black body while young his wife which have sweet black body to turn into to turn white. Realizing the mentioned of both weeping with all possibilities, seemingly is for fear of preceded by their sunshine do not realize if its body have migrated. And they cannot convert it return because sun have shone. Both weeping and saying to Bujang Bujit that they both will die if remain to so, because them cannot breathe with the different head and body. Bujang Bujit feel the pity with the second circumstance of his wife, but what will be told.
Before second his wife pass away, to reciprocate all kindliness and love the its husband love during the time, later;then both giving midwife science to Bujang Bujit. Both also give the barrier of calendar spectre so that woman and baby borne to safe, do not reaching be sipped [by] its blood [is] and also eaten [by] tembuninya. Penangkalnya that is [so that/ to be] [in] [in] house wall sandwiched [by] thorn of orange purut, and member of crossbar sign use the chalk sirih. And under place sleep the woman to bear, placed what embers is menyala gave the black cloth [cover/conclusion].
that sence Occurence, woman bearing with its baby is saveable, and the tradition non-stoped to be utilized hereditaryly, even hitherto.



Apa yang disampaikan oleh Khalil Kibran (1833 -1911 ) tentang makna sebuah persahabatan akan begitu terasa mendalam :
“ dan seorang pemuda berkata, katakan kepadaku tentang arti persahabatan, kemudian seseorang menjawab : “Temanmu adalah jawaban kebutuhanmu., Dia adalah ladang yang kau semai dengan cinta dan dipanen dengan rasa syukur.
Dan dia adalah makananmu dan bangku perapianmu, karena kamu datang kepadanya dan kelaparanmu, dan k au mencarinya demi kedamaian”
Untuk itu kita harus bersyukur jika bias memiliki sahabat sejati, karena sahabat sejati adalah harta paling berharga, karena bersama sahabat kita bisa menjadi diri sendiri,tanpa harus berpura-pura agar terlihat baik. Sahabat adalah seseorang yang bisa menerima kita apa adanya. Sahabat mampu membuat kita bahagia dengan diri kita sendiri dan memberi motivasi hidup serta akan selalu menfampingi kita ketika semua orang menjauh, sahabat akan selalu ada di saat kita mengalami kesusahan.

Walau terkadang sebuah persahabatan tidak selalu mulus, suatu saat akan muncul rintangan yang menguji rasa persahabatan, muncul perbedaan pendapat, selisih paham.
Memang sebuah hubungan apapun namanya termasuk sebuah persahabatan, akan selalu mengalami ujian, akan tetapi jangan pernah menyerah atas segala ujian itu, mulailah bertanya pada diri kita sendiri, apakah sahabat itu memiliki manfaat untuk kita dan apakah kita juga memiliki manfaan bagi sahabat kita? Hal tersebut penting kita renungkan, karena pada dasarnya manusia adalah makhluk social, itu artinya satu dengan yang lain saling membutuhkan.
Untuk membangun suatu persahabatan yang baik, yang harus selalu kita perhatikan adalah selalu bersikap tulus tanpa pamrih, jujur, karena setiap hubungan yang dibangun dengan rasa pamrih dan kepalsuan akan menyakiti termasuk diri kita sendiri, jadi segala sesuatunya harus dilakukan dengan ikhlas tanpa disertai rasa terpaksa.
Hubungan [ersahabatan akan terasa semakin mendalam dan terasa lebih bermakna jika kita dan sahabat kita selalu meluangkan waktu untuk saling bertemu atau kalau jarak jauh harus ada waktu untuk menelpon, atau saling berkirim sms dan email, walau hanya sekedar menanyakan hal-hal sepele, atau arti sononya keep contactlah.
Jika ternyata kita bias saling berbagi, maka alangkah indahnya hidup kita, karena kita telah berhasil memaknai hidup kita dengan suatu yang berharga yaitu ‘Persahabatan”.


Monday, November 3, 2008


Ketika aku membuat blog pertama kali , aku binggung, gimana caranya agar apa yang aku tulis di blogku dibaca orang lain. Maklumlah aku termasuk lumayan gaptek, tapi aku ndak mandek, yang penting punya kemauan agar bias berhasil.
Setelah berkali-kali gagal dengan segala tutorial yang aku cari melalui google, tapi akhirnya aku berhasil juga. Aku sangat berterimakasih sekali atas masukan dari blog Media Sharing Anak Bangsa
Caranya ternyata sangat simple yaitu :

1. Silahkan buka ke
2. Isi alamat blog Anda di kotak yang tersedia di bawah tulisan FREE SUBMISSION.
3. Klik Continue
4. Isi Email Anda di kotak yang tersedia.
4. Setelah mengisi kode rahasia yang ada di bagian bawah, klik “submit”
5. sapabila anda memasukan data yang benar maka akan muncul data konfirmasi bahwa blog anda berhasil.

6. selesai
Nah, gimana mudahkan?, Jadi selamat mencoba ya!
Catatan : Sebagian (kecil) search engine akan mengirim email konfirmasi ke Anda, klik aja link untuk konfirmasi yang diminta.
